Speed example sentences

The crazed destruction wrought by the cyclone and the surge of the ocean continued for the next thirty-six hours, although wind speeds had reduced somewhat by the next morning.High speed winds were a potential resource two hundred years ago.per hour, comparable to speed of commercial aircraft and completely washed away some of the islands in the Indian ocean.The speed with which these vehicles change energy or do work is a basis for their classification.As the river approaches the sea, the speed of the flowing water decreases and the river begins to break up into a number of streams called distributaries.Technologically advanced societies adopt child rearing practices that foster skills of generalisation and abstraction, speed, minimal moves, and mental manipulation among children.But it has of late considerably speeded up its process of integrating with the world economy and increasing its foreign trade and investments (see Box A: India Embarks on the Path to Globalisation).Internal trade aims at equitable distribution of goods within a nation speedily and at reasonable cost.Indexing a field results in speeding up sorting, searching and filtering of records on that field.n these societies, persons are well-versed in skills of attention, observation, analysis, performance, speed, and achievement orientation.Power measures the speed of work done, that is, how fast or slow work is done.A business unit selling goods on credit, or having a slow sales turnover, for example, would require more working capital as compared to a concern selling its goods and services on cash basis or having a speedier turnover.These primary abilities are: erbal Comprehension (grasping meaning of words, concepts, and ideas), Numerical Abilities (speed and accuracy in numerical and computational skills), Spatial Relations (visualising patterns and forms), Perceptual Speed (speed in perceiving details), Word Fluency (using words fluently and flexibly), Memory (accuracy in recalling information), and nductive Reasoning (deriving general rules from presented facts).The kinetic energy of an object increases with its speed.When a steady current flows through a conductor, the electrons in it move with a certain average 'drift speed'.

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