Strengthen example sentences

There are other sections in the Constitution that help to strengthen the argument against untouchability – for example, Article 15 of the Constitution notes that no citizen of India shall be discriminated against on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth (you learnt a lot about this in your Class textbook in the chapter on Equality).In the wake of the high incidence of poverty levels, as reported by the NSSO in the mid-1970s, three important food intervention programmes were introduced: Public Distribution System (PDS) for food grains (in existence earlier but strengthened thereafter); Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) (introduced in 1975 on an experimental basis) and Food-for-Work** (FFW) (introduced in 1977 78).Therefore, the main focus of political reforms should be on ways to strengthen democratic practice.These sources first strengthen the cognitive and affective components of attitudes, and subsequently may also affect the behavioural component.This has contributed to the strengthening of federalism and democracy in our country.This requires a constant effort to save and strengthen democratic forms of decision making.This strengthening of the group's initial position as a result of group interaction and discussion is referred to as group polarisation.Rather, they realised, from the changes initiated by Napoleon, that modernisation could in fact strengthen traditional institutions like the monarchy.A modern army, an efficient bureaucracy, a dynamic economy, the abolition of feudalism and serfdom could strengthen the autocratic monarchies of Europe.This feeling was strengthened by the movements for Italian and German unification in the late nineteenth century.On the other hand reserve is created for strengthening the financial position of the business.The profits earned by consumer cooperative stores during a year are utilised for declaring bonus to members according to purchases made by them and for strengthening the general reserves and general welfare funds or similar funds for social and educational benefits of the members.A wave of economic nationalism strengthened the wider nationalist sentiments growing at the time.Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.This provides us with necessary information that may be used to change, modify, or strengthen certain aspects of self.

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