Strike example sentences

When a liquid evaporates in a closed container, molecules with relatively higher kinetic energy escape the liquid surface into the vapour phase and number of liquid molecules from the vapour phase strike the liquid surface and are retained in the liquid phase.These strikes took place frequently in the textile industry during 1896-1897, and in the metal industry during 190 In the countryside, peasants cultivated most of the land.In the hilly terrain landslides have been a major and widely spread natural disaster that often strike life and property and occupy a position of major concern.On 14 August 1980, the workers of Lenin Shipyard in the city of Gdansk went on a strike.Over the next few days over 110,000 workers in St Petersburg went on strike demanding a reduction in the working day to eight hours, an increase in wages and improvement in working conditions.Despite divisions, workers did unite to strike work (stop work) when they disagreed with employers about dismissals or work conditions.As the strike continued, a former electrician of the shipyard, Lech Walesa (pronounced Lek Walesha), joined the strikers.The risks are related with certain factors like changes in consumer tastes and fashions, changes in methods of production, strike or lockout in the work place, increased competition in the market, fire, theft, accidents, natural calamities, etc.The chance of fire, theft or strike are examples of pure risks.Can you imagine what your city would look like if you saw it from ten thousand feet above the ground? Neatly planned and perfect in proportion like a geometric design, it would strike you as something very different from what it actually is while you are in the thick of it.What could I do? At my slightest movement the snake would strike me! Death lurked four inches away.The clouds begin to break up, the sun strikes the hill on my left.It ends on a note of despair: the strike the hero leads fails, his co-workers turn against him, and hopes are shattered.Human causes include such unexpected events like dishonesty, carelessness or negligence of employees, stoppage of work due to power failure, strikes, riots, management inefficiency, etc.This strike was illegal, because trade unions independent of the ruling party were not allowed in Poland.

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