Summary example sentences

According to American Institute of Public Accountants, balance sheet is “a tabular statement of summary of balances (debits and credits) carried forward after an actual and constructive closing of books of accounts and kept according to principles of accounting”.It has been designed as a summary of information regarding a duly accepted bill received by a drawer.When cash summary of a firm is available along with information about personal accounts of creditors and customers, an attempt can be made to prepare the profit and loss account and balance sheet.Each group leader reads his group's summary aloud and the whole class jumps into discussion and debate, adding points, disagreeing and qualifying points of view.It simply is a summary of cash and bank transactions under various heads.As a summary of the ledger, it is a list of the accounts and their balances.Once summary values are specified, click OK, followed by click Next.The fields after GROUP BY clause constitute the basis of grouping for which summary results are obtained.These queries have been discussed as below: (a) Simple Query : A select query is a simple query if it does not involve use of any query function to produce a summary of data.The group by clause is used in the SQL statement to enable grouping of records for creating summary query.It gives a concise summary of firm's resources and obligations and measures the firm's liquidity and solvency.S/he makes a summary of the ideas just received and provides you with a restatement of what s/he understands.A sixth grade student says, “It's a lot of fun because everyone gets a chance to express themselves and the summary takes everyone's ideas into account.If however, both amount paid to creditors and that received from debtors are missing, then any one of these may be obtained first through the total creditors or total debtors account, as the case may be, and the other missing information ascertained from the cash book summary in the same way as stated earlier.If summary option is selected, the user is prompted to indicate the type of summarisation required: Sum, Average, Minimum and Maximum with respect to the field of summarisation.

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