Sure example sentences

Stalin, who headed the party after the death of Lenin, introduced firm emergency measures.Three of these have been highlighted: rapid improvements in technology, liberalisation of trade and investment policies and, pressures from international organisations such as the WTO.Good, but I am not sure it is effective enough, the producer would say and in a minute Subbu would come out with fourteen more alternatives.To encourage flow of direct foreign investment into the less developed member countries; To provide insurance cover to investors against political risks; To provide guarantee against noncommercial risks (like dangers involved in currency transfer, war and civil disturbances and breach of contract); To insure new investments, expansion of existing investments, privatisation and financial restructuring; To provide promotional and advisory services.Enthalpy change, ?H = ?U + ?ngRT, can be found directly from the heat changes at constant pressure, ?H = qp.Each of these possessed its own currency, and weights and measures.Deaths are usually measured using the death rate i.e. the number of deaths per 1,000 people.At the international level, WTO has put pressure on developing countries to liberalise trade and investment.Growth of a business can be measured in terms of sales volume increase in the number of employees, the number of products or the increase in capital investment, etc.The international monetary system has been set up to handle these issues and ensure stability in international transactions.However, the rate of increase in pressure decreases with time due to condensation of vapour into water.The physiological systems involved in alarm reaction and resistance become ineffective and susceptibility to stress-related diseases such as high blood pressure becomes more likely.The energy possessed by an object is thus measured in terms of its capacity of doing work.They are used to ensure good vegetative growth (leaves, branches and flowers), giving rise to healthy plants.This sometimes creates pressures for us because there may be competing demands and expectations.

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