Target example sentences

Hormones produce their effects on target tissues by binding to specific proteins called hormone receptors located in the target tissues only.As you can see with the two advertisements, they often target our personal emotions.Under the scheme one crore of the poorest among the BPL families covered under the targeted public distribution system were identified.We have a tendency to think that a target person who has one set of positive qualities must also be having other specific positive qualities that are associated with the first set.The source must also have a positive attitude towards the target, and the regard and attraction becomes mutual.A target for creating 25 lakh new jobs has been set for the programme under the Tenth Five Year plan.Qualities of the target, such as persuasibility, strong prejudices, self-esteem, and intelligence influence the likelihood and extent of attitude change.Often perceivers may form only an impression about the target, but if the situation requires it, they may also make attributions to the target.It means overseeing what is being done by subordinates and giving instructions to ensure optimum utilisation of resources and achievement of work targets.Identification means that the target has liking and regard for the source.Attaching or assigning a cause for the target's behaviour is the main idea in attribution.These initiatives have helped to build a homogeneous and focused team in Tata Steel, increasing motivation and binding to the vision of the company and spurred employees to deliver targets on a participatory management basis leading to ownership of processes.On the other hand, these programmes may distract young viewers and interfere with their ability to concentrate on one target.Hormone-Receptor complex formation leads to certain biochemical changes in the target tissue.Hormones which interact with membrane-bound receptors normally do not enter the target cell, but generate second messengers (e.g., cyclic AMP, IP3, Ca++ etc) which in turn regulate cellular metabolism (Figureure 2 5a).

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