Thinking example sentences

But I'm telling you, that day they actually spoke! One coin said, “What are you thinking about? Those fresh, hot jalebis coming out of the kadhao in the shop over there, they're not coming out for nothing.All of us form attitudes, or ways of thinking about specific topics and people.It won't make sense!!! You are right in thinking so.That is why the Indian constitution adopted many institutional details and procedures from colonial laws like the Government of India Act 193 Years of thinking and deliberation on the framework of the constitution had another benefit.“My tobacco!” I cried in horror, thinking what I would have to pay for that much tobacco in England now that another Budget had come and gone, and then changed the cry to “My finger! My finger!” as I discovered that I had gashed my finger on the zip and was shedding blood in a lavish manner.We also find that people differ across cultures in their thinking about when and how people fall ill and, therefore, in the models which they use in prevention of diseases and promotion of health.This is contrary to the tests of intelligence which mostly involve convergent thinking.The section Thinking about the Text attempts to move from surface level understanding of the text to critical thinking.In this chapter we will study the history of one such form – the novel – a history that is closely connected to the making of modern ways of thinking.In deprivation, it is more a question of perceiving or thinking that one has got less than what one should have got.Prosocial behaviour is very similar to 'altruism', which means doing something for or thinking about the welfare of others without any self-interest (in Latin 'alter' means 'other', the opposite of 'ego' which means 'self').Many stress-related problems occur as a result of distorted thinking.If this is the case, it is no surprise that the thinking tissue in our body consists of dense networks of intricately arranged neurons.“I am thinking of this stranger here,” said the young girl.These are as follows: Linguistic (skills involved in the production and use of language) : t is the capacity to use language fluently and flexibly to express one s thinking and understand others.

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