Thus example sentences

Thus, land is a natural resource of utmost importance.Thus the kingdom of the Netherlands, which included Belgium, was set up in the north and Genoa was added to Piedmont in the south.T , radio and newspapers are a form of media that reaches millions of people, or the masses, across the country and the world and, thus, they are called mass media.It is thus no wonder that most multicellular organisms use another means of communication between cells, namely, chemical communication.A current account deficit is financed by net capital flows from the rest of the world, thus by a capital account surplus.Thus if prices of all commodities increase in terms of money which, in other words, can be regarded as a general increase in the price level, the value of money in terms of any commodity must have decreased – in the sense that a unit of money can now purchase less of any commodity.Another potential pitfall is that the actual behaviour and responses of others may get influenced by the presence of the observer, thus, defeating the very purpose of observation.Thus, humans and animals are directly or indirectly dependent on plants.Thus, preference shares have some characteristics of both equity shares and debentures.Excise taxes are the single largest revenue earner contributing 3 7 per cent of total tax revenue in 2003-0 Other direct taxes like wealth tax, gift tax and estate duty (now abolished) have never been of much significance in terms of revenue yield and have thus been referred to as 'paper taxes'.There is no equitable distribution of water, thus people close to the source grow water intensive crops like sugarcane and rice while people farther downstream do not get any water.Thus, it is necessary that banks and cooperatives increase their lending particularly in the rural areas, so that the dependence on informal sources of credit reduces.Thus, booms and recessions in one country tend to be transmitted to other countries through international trade in goods and services.Thus, the total assets of the enterprise are valued at Rs.Thus they can determine the Constitutional validity of any legislation or action of the executive in the country, when it is challenged before them.

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