Times example sentences

The most common form that democracy takes in our times is that of a representative democracy.Sometimes a company may purchase the assets as well as take over its liabilities of another concern.(or sometimes OD) means that there is an overdraft and called debit balance as per passbook.In pre-colonial times, the Maasai pastoralists had dominated their agricultural neighbours both economically and politically.Sometimes debenture can be issued to vendor or suppliers of patents, copyrights and for transfer of intellectual property rights on preferential basis without receiving money in cash.The retailers sometimes provide credit facilities to their regular buyers.His novel Hard Times (1854) describes Coketown, a fictitious industrial town, as a grim place full of machinery, smoking chimneys, rivers polluted purple and buildings that all looked the same.Some times it appears in the western sky just after sunset.At other times they were attempts by powerful chieftains to consolidate their own positions.Sometimes untreated sewage is thrown directly into rivers.Sometimes debenture can be issued to vendor or suppliers of patents, copyrights and for transfer of intellectual property rights on preferential basis without receiving money in cash.At times, it may be necessary to store these in godowns.Sometimes a company purchases assets from vendors and instead of making payment in cash issues debentures for consideration thereof.At times additional funds are required for upgrading the technology employed so that the cost of production or operations can be reduced.Peddlers and hawkers are probably amongst the oldest form of retailers in the market place who have not lost their utility even during modern times.

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