Tip example sentences

If we change the stoichiometric coefficients in a chemical equation by multiplying throughout by a factor then we must make sure that the expression for equilibrium constant also reflects that change.These grow and multiply every few hours if sufficient nutrients are made available to them.A far-seeing ruler like the brave Tipu of Mysore fought the British till he died figurehting! Thank God, there is peace in the country now! No more wars and no looting by thugs ! It is God who sent the British! Our destiny is linked with them! How did Indians react to these conquests? The Company's conquests (1757-1849) The white man has killed or dethroned our kings.Tipu s legendary swords are now part of valuable collections in museums in England.Bond enthalpy values of some single and multiple bonds are given in Table The reaction enthalpies are very important quantities as these arise from the changes that accompany the breaking of old bonds and formation of the new bonds.The open economy multiplier is smaller than that in a closed economy because a part of domestic demand falls on foreign goods.Each stamen consists of a slender filament with an anther at the tip.Let us understand this by looking at the root tips.An attribute with a single value for an entity is single-valued as opposed to those which multiple values.He doesn't care what he eats, pays his bill immediately and tips well.But it was only in the late eighteenth century that the number of factories multiplied.Section 3 deals with fiscal policy and the multiplier process within the income expenditure approach described earlier.As there is central procurement/manufacturing, the multiple-shop organisation enjoys the economies of scale.It includes stuffing ballot boxes by a few persons using the votes of others; recording multiple votes by the same person; and bribing or coercing polling officers to favour a candidate.In both equations, equilibrium income is expressed as a product of two terms, the autonomous expenditure multiplier and the level of autonomous expenditures.

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