Tomorrow example sentences

Please kindly come tomorrow.आप कल आइए|“Here! Put on this sweater — or do you want Nabin Babu to order bed-rest tomorrow?” Like every other amateur astronomer, Duttada had a secret ambition that he would one day discover a new comet.Well, tomorrow the teacher was going to announce the winners.If I spend you today, then how shall I show my face to Master Ghulam Mohammed in school tomorrow and after that to Allah miyan at Qayamat? You probably don't know it but when Master Ghulam Mohammed gets angry and makes you stand on the bench, he simply forgets to let you sit till the last bell rings.Ah, that s the great trouble with Alsace; she puts off learning till tomorrow.Tell me honestly now, don't you feel like eating those hot, hot jalebis? And then, if you do end up spending us for today, won't you get the scholarship money tomorrow? Sweets with the fees money, fees with the scholarship money.My head is full of whispers which tomorrow will be silent.Raj has been studying for his final examination which is going to take place tomorrow morning.Understand? Now go home, and come back early tomorrow morning.But if they are patented and sold by a medical firm tomorrow, they could become economically valuable.“Perhaps he'll have got used to his cage by tomorrow,” she said.” “Then take this letter to a friend of mine tomorrow and you will be given some copying to do.I enter a Nepal Airlines office and buy a ticket for tomorrow's flight.Why do you think I am here today and gone tomorrow, never see tradespeople? You say my habits would suit you.I walked away thinking, tomorrow I will do wazu, wear clean clothes and come here.

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