Toot example sentences

You will see small general stores in the village selling a wide range of items like rice, wheat, sugar, tea, oil, biscuits, soap, toothpaste, batteries, candles, notebooks, pen, pencil, even some cloth.Suppose you want to buy toothpaste, and the shop owner says that she can sell the toothpaste only if you buy a tooth brush.We go to the market to buy many things vegetables, soap, toothpaste, masala, bread, rice, dal, clothes, notebooks, biscuits, etc.And why should we? Who would take the trouble of plucking the mango-leaf for the toothbrush? And why was it necessary at all? The tiger never brushed his teeth.Another shelf had toothpastes, talcum powder, shampoo, hair oil.Most toothpaste are made white with titanium oxide, which comes from minerals called rutile, ilmenite and anatase.My toothbrush is a thing that haunts me when I'm travelling, and makes my life a misery.Had I packed my toothbrush? I don't know how it is, but I never do know whether I've packed my toothbrush.The toothbrush and tube containing the paste are made of plastics from petroleum.For making models of alkanes, you can use toothpicks for bonds and plasticine balls for atoms.The film was a hit, and one of Bismillah Khan's compositions, “Dil ka khilona hai toot gaya .Each tooth is embedded in a socket of jaw bone (Figureure1 2).Its deficiency in drinking water is harmful to man and causes diseases such as tooth decay etc.

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