Toy example sentences

Consider another situation in which the force and the displacement are in the same direction: a baby pulling a toy car parallel to the ground, as shown in Figureure 1 The baby has exerted a force in the direction of displacement of the car.Better be careful, wise guy! Are you American, or is that merely a clever imitation? Listen, this gun's no toy.The ideas of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) emphasised the notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution.As a result, these children were found to be more destructive in play than those children who were allowed access to toys.What would happen? Those who wish to import these toys would have to pay tax on this.Suppose the Indian government puts a tax on import of toys.Toys are now cheaper in the Indian markets than earlier.He would play for hours with a selection of toys, ping-pong balls, marbles, rubber fruit, and a terrapin shell that I had brought back from his native marshes.Buyers in India now have the option of choosing between Indian and the Chinese toys.We are for example, given different toys to play with.They attract floating customers and deal mainly in goods of cheap variety like hosiery products, toys, cigarettes, soft drinks, etc.Chinese toys will no longer be as cheap in the Indian markets and imports from China will automatically reduce.Because of the tax, buyers will have to pay a higher price on imported toys.Within a year, 70 to 80 per cent of the toy shops have replaced Indian toys with Chinese toys.Indian buyers have a greater choice of toys and at lower prices.

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