Trader example sentences

Peter Mundy, an English trader who came to India during the early seventeenth century, has described the Banjaras: In the morning we met a tanda of Banjaras with14,000 oxen.While some traders lived in the town, others travelled from town to town.It is practically impossible for producers and traders to contact each and every customer.Elsewhere, weavers along with the village traders revolted, opposing the Company and its officials.They levied taxes on traders, artisans and articles of trade and sometimes donated the right to collect these taxes to local temples, which had been built by themselves or by rich merchants.Similarly, the RBI sees that the banks give loans not just to profit-making businesses and traders but also to small cultivators, small scale industries, to small borrowers etc.The new migrants coming to Delhi were rural landlords, lawyers, teachers, traders and small shopkeepers.These traders may be dealing in one particular line of merchandise, say fabrics or ready-made garments, toys, or crockery, or alternatively, they may be general merchants.The wholesale trader first buys goods in large quantities.This type of business provides greater possibility of abuse to dishonest traders to cheat the customers by making false claims about the products or not honouring the commitments made through hand bills or advertisements.He believed that rich peasants and traders in the countryside were holding stocks in the hope of higher prices.Several traders, especially horse traders, formed associations, with headmen who negotiated on their behalf with warriors who bought horses.Words tell us histories European traders first encountered fine cotton cloth from India carried by Arab merchants in Mosul in present-day Iraq.Gujarati traders, including the communities of Hindu Baniyas and Muslim Bohras, traded extensively with the ports of the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, East Africa, Southeast Asia and China.However, the European Companies used their naval power to gain control of the sea trade and forced Indian traders to work as their agents.

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