Trained example sentences

They are restrained by the attraction of the atoms among which they move.Social events like death or illness in the family, strained relationships, trouble with neighbours are some examples of social stresses.This gives rise to different styles of management The best managers are committed and dedicated individuals; highly trained and educated, with personal qualities such as ambition, self- motivation, creativity and imagination, a desire for development of the self and the organisation they belong to.Like the Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis, the Sufis too believed that the heart can be trained to look at the world in a different way.Counselling involves helping relationship, that includes someone seeking help, and someone willing to give help, who is capable of or trained to help in a setting that permits help to be given and received.are like ornaments to a trained hand and it can wield them A well-trained body does not get tired in trudging 30 miles .Being a trained helper, the counsellor has the responsibility for ensuring that her/his client is benefited from counselling and its therapeutic effects are achieved.This can be seen directly in the form of higher incomes earned because of higher productivity of the more educated or the better trained persons, as well as the higher productivity of healthier people.They can be trained in self-care skills, and simple social and communication skills.We feel strained when we overexert ourselves physically, lack a nutritious diet, suffer an injury, or fail to get enough sleep.The people entrusted with the management of cooperative stores lack expertise as they are not trained in running the stores efficiently.Stories about Rajput heroes were recorded in poems and songs, which were recited by specially trained minstrels.The English boarding school was the institution that trained English boys for careers in the military, the civil service and the church, the three great institutions of imperial England.It can be seen particularly in the army or in the field of education, where in some states it has become mandatory for the schools to have a trained counsellor, in the field of management, which seeks help of psychologists to combat problems related to recruitment and assessment, employee behaviour, workplace stress, etc.Like all of us, counsellors too are not perfect, but they are trained in developing a more healthy and helpful relationship than others.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English