Trigger example sentences

This may lead to feelings of deprivation and discontentment, which may trigger off conflict.A massive landslide hit Pangi village near Reckong Peo in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh and damaged a 200-meter stretch of old Hindustan-Tibet road, National Highway - 2 This landslide was triggered by intense blasting at Pangi village.Clearly, the movement to be made depends on the event that is triggering it.Ironically, the dams that were constructed to control floods have triggered floods due to sedimentation in the reservoir.Aggression could also be indirectly triggered by physiological mechanisms, especially by the activation of certain parts of the brain that play a role in emotional experience.This triggers the release of hormones producing the stress response.The reports, which are generated only on the triggering of some event, are called On demand reports.They had been triggered by a massive earthquake off northern Sumatra earlier that morning.Environmental triggers such as light, or gravity will change the directions that plant parts grow in.

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