Truly example sentences

Mahatama Gandhi always insisted that India would be truly independent only when the poorest of its people become free of human suffering.Although some defence against anxiety is normal and adaptive, people who use these mechanisms to such an extent that reality is truly distorted develop various forms of maladjustment.] What's the matter now? Papa, tell us truly, which is the better dog, our Squeezer or his Guess.He composed several truly original story poems in folk refrain and diction and also wrote a sprawling novel Thillana Mohanambal with dozens of very deftly etched characters.And all this probably can mean 50-60 per cent cost-savings for the MNC! The advantage of spreading out production across the borders to the multinationals can be truly immense.It is also a charter for the transformation of our country into one which is truly shared by all its people — a country which in the fullest sense belongs to all of us, black and white, women and men.

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