Value example sentences

But if it is the other way round i.e., the value of debentures is less than the value of the net assets taken over the difference will be credited to capital Reserve accounts.The relational data model represents the database as collection of relations, which resembles a table of values (or data table).But in any case, it is a constraint that does not allow any two-entity instances from having the same value for the key attribute at a point of time.Wechsler, whose intelligence tests are most widely used, understood intelligence in terms of its functionality, i.e. its value for adaptation to environment.You've also read that the work women do is often considered of less value than that done by the men.By default, the wizard provides for choosing look up values from table or query.?f H values of diamond and fullerene, C60 are 90 and 3 1 kJ mol–1, respectively.Similarly, the value of goods and services in the three sectors are calculated, and then added up.As the change in the value of money is not reflected in the book of accounts, the accounting data does not reflect the true and fair view of the affairs of an enterprise.In the above example the value of the extra output, 10, is distributed among various factors as factor payments and hence the income of the economy goes up by When income increases by 10, consumption expenditure goes up by (0.The company may decide to call the entire amount or part of the face value of the shares.Under straight line method depreciation is calculated on original cost while under written down value method it is calculated on written down value.An entity has a value for each of its attributes, which is the data stored in the database.alues are attitudes or beliefs that contain a 'should' or 'ought' aspect, such as moral or ethical values.Duplicate values will occur in this field also because the serial numbers of entries across the vouchers are bound to be the same.

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