Variety example sentences

Change in maturity duration: The shorter the duration of the crop from sowing to harvesting, the more economical is the variety.delicate organ like the brain, which is so important for a variety of activities, needs to be carefully protected.Job enrichment is concerned with designing jobs that include greater variety of work content, require higher level of knowledge and skill; give workers more autonomy and responsibility; and provide the opportunity for personal growth and a meaningful work experience.A person's behaviour in a variety of situations can provide us with meaningful information about her/his personality.It is based on a systematic body of knowledge comprising well-defined principles based on a variety of business situations.The geology of Antarctica is sufficiently well known to predict the existence of a variety of mineral deposits, some probably large.Thus, we see that there are a variety of ways in which the MNCs are spreading their production and interacting with local producers in various countries across the globe.As the name indicates, these shops carry stock of a variety of products needed to satisfy the day-to-day needs of the consumers residing in nearby localities.They not only enable the producers to reach large number of buyers spread over a wide geographical area (through retailers) but perform a variety of functions in the process of distribution of goods and services.Though there is a variety of non-farm activities in the villages (we have only seen a few examples), the number of people employed in each is quite small.The variety of grasses that sprouted provided rich nutritious forage for the animal herds.India has become self-sufficient in foodgrains during the last thirty years because of a variety of crops grown all over the country.Larger number of herbivores means increased availability of food for a variety of carnivores.Salima realised the Himalayas have almost all variety of vegetation which one can see while moving from the equator to the polar region.There are variety of vehicles on the road connecting Palampur to Raiganj.

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