Vegetation example sentences

Methane is produced naturally when vegetation is burnt, digested or rotted in the absence of oxygen.The major vegetation types of the world are grouped as forests, grasslands, scrubs and tundra.This vegetation is found in the polar areas of Europe, Asia and North America.She recalled how surprised she was to see the changes in the landform and natural vegetation as the bus climbed higher and higher.The reservoirs that are created on the floodplains also submerge the existing vegetation and soil leading to its decomposition over a period of time.These are the areas of heavy rainfall and quick regeneration of vegetation.The changes in the type of natural vegetation occur mainly because of the changes of climatic condition.The vegetation cover is scarce here because of scanty rain and scorching heat.It is clear that if the land is cleared completely of the vegetation, the soil cover will quickly disappear.These are characterised by low rainfall, scanty vegetation and extreme temperatures.It supports natural vegetation, wild life, human life, economic activities, transport and communication systems.He told Salima about his observations of the variety of vegetation in different parts of different continents.Relief, parent rock or bed rock, climate, vegetation and other forms of life and time are important factors in the formation of soil.Citrus fruits such as oranges, figures, olives and grapes are commonly cultivated here because people have removed the natural vegetation in order to cultivate what they want to.This kind of vegetation is also found outside the actual Mediterranean region in California in the USA, south west Africa, south western South America and South west Australia.

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