Vessel example sentences

When the reactants in a closed vessel at a particular temperature react to give products, the concentrations of the reactants keep on decreasing, while those of products keep on increasing for some time after which there is no change in the concentrations of either of the reactants or products.Other vessels sailed down the Neva and took over various military points.(Even the make-up department of the Gemini Studio had an office boy !) On the days when there was a crowdshooting, you could see him mixing his paint in a giant vessel and slapping it on the crowd players.ADH can also affect the kidney function by its constrictory effects on blood vessels.Towards the centre of the inner concave surface of the kidney is a notch called hilum through which ureter, blood vessels and nerves enter.Bill of lading is a document wherein a shipping company gives its official receipt of the goods put on board its vessel and at the same time gives an undertaking to carry them to the port of destination.Examples of physiological effects are release of epinephrine and nor - epinephrine, slowing down of the digestive system, expansion of air passages in the lungs, increased heart rate, and constriction of blood vessels.A vessel dumped 500 tonnes of liquid toxic wastes into open-air dumps in a city and in the surrounding sea.The shipping bill contains particulars of the goods being exported, the name of the vessel, the port at which goods are to be discharged, country of final destination, exporter's name and address, etc.ANF can cause vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels) and thereby decrease the blood pressure.The submucosal layer is formed of loose connective tissues containing nerves, blood and lymph vessels.In calorimetry, the process is carried out in a vessel called calorimeter, which is immersed in a known volume of a liquid.Shipment of advice contains invoice number, bill of lading/airways bill number and date, name of the vessel with date, the port of export, description of goods and quantity, and the date of sailing of the vessel.Water and water vapour are in equilibrium position at atmospheric pressure ( 013 bar) and at 100°C in a closed vessel.When blood pressure is increased, ANF is secreted which causes dilation of the blood vessels.

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