Void example sentences

They are more likely to feel tense and find it difficult to relax, are critical of self and others, and may become inclined to avoid challenges.He declined all honours and avoided scientific controversies.When the errors committed in one accounting year are located and rectified in the next accounting year, profit and loss adjustment account is debited or credited in place of accounts of expenses/losses and incomes/ gains in order to avoid impact on the income statement of next accounting period.This system of guarantee assures individual account-holders that their banks will be able to pay their money back in case of a crisis and there is no need to panic thus avoiding bank runs.Freud believed that people avoid anxiety mainly by developing defence mechanisms that try to defend the ego against the awareness of the instinctual needs.In the product method, to avoid double counting, we need to deduct the value of intermediate goods and take into account only the aggregate value of final goods and services.Portraying aggression as heroic behaviour should be particularly avoided, because this may set the stage for learning through observation.Avoidance is to put the issue under the carpet and refuse to accept or face it.For a long time, when a consumer was not happy with a particular brand product or shop, he or she generally avoided buying that brand product, or would stop purchasing from that shop.Existentialists believe that from birth we have total freedom to give meaning to our existence or to avoid that responsibility.An appropriate distance between the seeds is important to avoid overcrowding of plants.To avoid separation, children with SAD may fuss, scream, throw severe tantrums, or make suicidal gestures.I think good sense is shown more in the ability to avoid pain than in the mere desire to do so.As no source of funds is devoid of limitations, it is advisable to use a combination of sources, instead of relying only on a single source.To avoid this, large organisations normally appoint one more cashier (petty cashier) and maintain a separate cash book to record these transactions.

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