Wad example sentences

Nowadays the seed drill [Figureure 2 (b)] is used for sowing with the help of tractors.Why do people travel nowadays?आज लोग यात्राएँ क्यों करते हैं?Have you ever thought of how children lived about two hundred years ago? Nowadays most girls from middle-class families go to school, and often study with boys.Awadh was one of the last territories to be annexed.Broadly speaking the states of the eighteenth century can be divided into three overlapping groups: (1) States that were old Mughal provinces like Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad.Burhan-ul-Mulk tried to decrease Mughal influence in the Awadh region by reducing the number of office holders (jagirdars) appointed by the Mughals.The Kathiawad seths or mahajans (moneychangers) had huge banking houses at Surat.A situation of widespread popular rebellion developed in the region of Awadh in particular.Nowadays, fly ash and slag from the steel industry are utilised by the cement industry.This time the delegation succeeded and returned triumphantly, wading through the receding waters with food for the entire shelter.The close connection between the state and bankers – noticeable in Hyderabad and Awadh as well – was evident in Bengal under the rule of Alivardi Khan (r.We have to wade through the mud pools on the roads.He completed the writing in 1861 in Awadhi and Norgate translated it into English and had it published under the title From Sepoy to Subedar.As the swadeshi movement gathered momentum, nationalists mobilised people to boycott foreign cloth.Despite the absence of censorship by the government, most newspapers nowadays still fail to provide a balanced story.

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