Wallow example sentences

Polythene bags, if swallowed by cattle can cost their lives also.I landed in a sitting position, swallowed water, and went at once to the bottom.I flailed at the surface of the water, swallowed and choked.He bites down on a corner of the book, and pantomimes chewing and swallowing, while making terrible faces.The bolus is then conveyed into the pharynx and then into the oesophagus by swallowing or deglutition.A cartilaginous flap called epiglottis prevents the entry of food into the glottis – opening of the wind pipe – during swallowing.We are a bit large for them to swallow whole and they have no means of chopping us up into bite-size pieces.The buccal cavity performs two major functions, mastication of food and facilitation of swallowing.

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