Wasted example sentences

Then you see the head twisted sideways into a slump, the torso shrunk inside the pale blue shirt, the wasted legs; you look at his eyes which can speak, still, and they are saying something huge and urgent — it is hard to tell what.“I will see that electricity is not wasted in my house,” shouted Mustafa.If he can squirm in anywhere where he particularly is not wanted, and be a perfect nuisance, and make people mad, and have things thrown at his head, then he feels his day has not been wasted.Water must be kept on the move and made to do things; when static it is wasted and provoking.Cooperation in the absence of coordination may lead to wasted effort and coordination without cooperation may lead to dissatisfaction among employees.” will make sure that water is not wasted at home,” said Asha.Efforts should not be wasted in recording and presenting facts, which are immaterial in the determination of income.If you observe the bottoms of cooking vessels getting blackened, it means that the air holes are blocked and fuel is getting wasted.

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