Water example sentences

Ploughing along the contour lines can decelerate the flow of water down the slopes.Thus, it requires less heat to vaporise 1 mol of acetone than it does to vaporize 1 mol of water.Let us suppose that one hectare of wheat can provide employment to two people for 50 days (including sowing, watering, fertiliser application and harvesting).Their main purpose, however, is not to hold surface water but to recharge the ground water beneath.dead! Who's dead? [Looks at Lomov] So he is! My word! Water! A doctor! [Lifts a tumbler to Lomov's mouth] Drink this! No, he doesn't drink.It helps maintain the water table throughout the year.Some countries now use alcohol as an additive in petrol since it is a cleaner fuel which gives rise to only carbon dioxide and water on burning in sufficient air (oxygen).Whatever profit the department makes is used to improve the water supply.Oxygen reaches water either through atmosphere or from the process of photosynthesis carried out by many aquatic green plants during day light.As they waded through the waters, the scenes they witnessed grew more and more macabre.Chlorination is a commonly used chemical method for purifying water.Since pollen grains are light, they can be carried by wind or water.In many parts of rural India they are not allowed access to water sources, temples, parks and other public places.The external factors would include the availability of sunlight, temperature, CO2 concentration and water.Replacement of halogenated solvent by liquid CO2 will result in less harm to ground water.

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