Watering example sentences

When people began growing plants, it meant that they had to stay in the same place for a long time looking after the plants, watering, weeding, driving away animals and birds — till the grain ripened.जब लोग पौधे उगाने लगे तो उनकी देखभाल के लिए उन्हें एक ही जगह पर लंबे समय तक रहना पड़ा था| बीज बोने से लेकर फसलों के पकने तक, पौधों की सिंचाई करने, खरपतवार हटाने, जानवरों और चिड़ियों से उनकी सुरक्षा करने जैसे बहुत-से काम शामिल थे|If the soil is very dry, it may need watering before ploughing.We say 'I jumped out of the way of the bus reflexly', or 'I pulled my hand back from the flame reflexly', or 'I was so hungry my mouth started watering reflexly'.It is the best technique for watering fruit plants, gardens and trees.Let us suppose that one hectare of wheat can provide employment to two people for 50 days (including sowing, watering, fertiliser application and harvesting).

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English