Weak example sentences

You have already read that the pi (?) bond is a weaker bond due to poor sideways overlapping between the two 2p orbitals.Such SUPPORT' DOCUMENT entity type which is used to keep track of support documents attached to each voucher via 1:N relationship, is a weak entity.This would be possible mainly due to higher economic growth, increasing stress on universal free elementary education, declining population growth, increasing empowerment of the women and the economically weaker sections of society.Yet the Constitution makers thought is was necessary to write down certain clear provisions to prevent exploitation of the weaker sections of the society.However, the income method, though useful, has several weaknesses.On that basis the British had introduced very weak legislatures.A weak entity type normally has a partial key, which is a set of attribute that can uniquely identify weak entities that are related to the same owner entity.Entity Types, which do not have identifier (or key attributes) of their own are, called weak entity types.The salts of strong acid and weak base, weak acid and strong base, and weak acid and weak base undergo hydrolysis in aqueous solution.The Cl–Cl bond is weaker than the C–C and C–H bond and hence, is easiest to break.This is the strength and the weakness of democracy: the fate of the country depends not just on what the rulers do, but mainly on what we, as citizens, do.Every weak entity has an owner entity and an identifying relationship through which such weak entity type is identified.Thus, individuals with poor physical health and weak constitution would be more vulnerable than would be those who enjoy good health and strong constitution.Already under severe pressure from all sides, the empire was further weakened by competition amongst different groups of nobles.Due to the weak forces, the first four members, C1 to C4 are gases, C5 to C17 are liquids and those containing 18 carbon atoms or more are solids at 298 K.

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