Weigh example sentences

People select plants that yield large-size grain, and have strong stalks, capable of bearing the weight of the ripe grain.लोग उन्हीं पौधों को चुनते हैं जिनसे बड़े दाने वाले अनाज पैदा होते हैं साथ ही जिनकी मज़बूत डंठले अनाज के पके दानों के भार को संभाल सकें|In this case, the net repulsion of the electrons will outweigh the nuclear charge.The minimum force required to raise the object is equal to the weight of the object, mg.Ramlal stood rooted to the ground, his head bowed low with the weight of grief and shame.Regular exercise plays an important role in managing weight and stress, and is shown to have a positive effect on reducing tension, anxiety and depression.arious sources may also be weighed in terms of their tax benefits.Thus, across a period, increasing nuclear charge outweighs the shielding.A proforma invoice is a document that contains details as to the quality, grade, design, size, weight and price of the export product, and the terms and conditions on which their export will take place.A major development was the devaluation of the rupee by 3 5 per cent in June, 196 With the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system, and also the declining share of UK in India's trade, the rupee was delinked from the pound sterling in September 197 During the period between 1975 to 1992, the exchange rate of the rupee was officially determined by the Reserve Bank within a nominal band of plus or minus 5 per cent of the weighted basket of currencies of India's major trading partners.5 lakh, raw material weighing 20-tons, and 100 cartons of finished goods.Above: A member of the cooperative weighing the fish.In anorexia nervosa, the individual has a distorted body image that leads her/him to see herself/himself as overweight.The invention of vulcanised rubber led to the introduction of pads in 1848 and protective gloves soon afterwards, and the modern game would be unimaginable without helmets made out of metal and synthetic lightweight materials.He would regularly go to the nearby Bihariji temple to sing the Bhojpuri 'Chaita', at the end of which he would earn a big laddu weighing 25 kg, a prize given by the local Maharaja.The weight of the ball was limited to between 5 to 5 ounces, and the width of the bat to four inches.

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