Why example sentences

That is why a study of democracy must focus on democratic politics.It is important to understand how, and why, this happened.That is why parliamentary democracy in most countries is often known as the Cabinet form of government.” The South Africa example is a good way to understand why we need a constitution and what do constitutions do.We will see below why, sometimes, we also depart from this useful simplification when we realise that the country s economy as a whole may best be seen as composed of distinct sectors.That is why these parties are called, 'recognised political parties'.But why should we bother about the internal affairs of another country? We should be worried about our business interests there, not about democracy.Why does group polarisation occur? Let us take an example whether capital punishment should be there.That is why organisation always emphasise on improving communication skills of managers as well as employees.The Pepsi Cola controversy raises an interesting question: Why are soft drinks giants, Coca-Cola and Pepsico putting in so much effort on publicity campaigns in India after the decline in their sales? The answer lies in the fact that their success is dependent not merely on their internal management, but also on many external forces as, for example, decisions and actions of governments, consumers, other business firms and even non-government organisations (NGOs) like CSE.Why do we need to change that? I am not saying we need to change it.Why add murder to your other crimes? It's a grave step you're taking.Tell me, why are you got up like that? [excited] You see, honoured Natalya Stepanovna.Why is this necessary? Why we cannot make do with the current levels of production? India is a very populous country.Looking at plants have you ever wondered why and how there are so many shades of green in their leaves – even in the same plant? We can look for an answer to this question by trying to separate the leaf pigments of any green plant through paper chromatography.

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