Widespread example sentences

This meant an outflow of treasure from England, a prospect that created widespread anxiety.Do you remember the name of the world's largest riverine island formed by the Brahmaputra? Every year during the rainy season, the river overflows its banks, causing widespread devastation due to floods in Assam and Bangladesh.They are the rivers, which flood parts of the northern plains every year, causing widespread damage to life and property but enriching the soil for the extensive agricultural lands.The Indian economy was mainly agricultural and rural in character; About 70% of the working population was employed in agriculture; About 85% of the population was living in the villages; Production was carried out using irrational, low productivity technology; Communicable diseases were widespread, mortality rates were high.Even though this practice is condemned, it is a socially widespread practice.Pesticides and herbicides represent only a very small portion of widespread chemical pollution.These disorders are characterised by severe and widespread impairments in social interaction and communication skills, and stereotyped patterns of behaviours, interests and activities.The poorest section of the society might be food insecure most of the times while persons above the poverty line might also be food insecure when the country faces a national disaster/calamity like earthquake, drought, flood, tsunami, widespread failure of crops causing famine, etc.The journalist Wilhelm Wolff described the events in a Silesian village as follows: In these villages (with 18,000 inhabitants) cotton weaving is the most widespread occupation … The misery of the workers is extreme.Food shortages and widespread unemployment brought the population of Paris out on the roads.This displacement of people and communities is a problem that has become quite widespread in our country.It led to widespread protests and counterprotests, some of which were violent.The rise of food prices or a year of bad harvest led to widespread pauperism in town and country.A situation of widespread popular rebellion developed in the region of Awadh in particular.This division is not as universal as gender, but religious diversity is fairly widespread in the world today.

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