Withdrawal example sentences

Similarly, for a stationery merchant, stationery is goods, whereas for others it is an item of expense (not purchases) Withdrawal of money and/or goods by the owner from the business for personal use is known as drawings.Two new taxes – the fringe benefits tax (on those benefits enjoyed collectively by the employees) and on cash withdrawals from banks over a certain threshold in a day – were introduced in the budget for 2005-0 The share of direct taxes in gross tax revenue has increased from 1 1 per cent in 1990-91 to 4 3 per cent in 2003-0 There has been a reduction in the share of indirect tax revenue, falling from 7 4 per cent in 1990-91 to 5 9 per cent in 2003-0 The redistribution objective is sought to be achieved through progressive income taxation, in which higher the income, higher is the tax rate.Withdrawal from Debenture Redemption Reserve is permissible only after 10% of the debenture liability has already been reduced by the company.Social reactions, such as withdrawal from others, getting into conflict with others, having frequent arguments with even loved ones, and feeling rejected or left out.Just like cash transactions, all payments into the bank are recorded on the left side and all withdrawals/ payments through the bank are recorded on the right side.Withdrawal from Debenture Redemption Reserve is permissible only after 10% of the debenture liability has already been reduced by the company.When a family has to live on a bare subsistence level there is a general decline in its health status and rising withdrawal from the school system.Withdrawal from Debenture Redemption Reserve is permissible only after 10% of the debenture liability has already been reduced by the company.Thus, if deposits exceed withdrawals it shows a credit balance and if withdrawals exceed deposits it will show a debit balance.They also experience withdrawal responses when they stop drinking.Negative symptoms are 'pathological deficits' and include poverty of speech, blunted and flat affect, loss of volition, and social withdrawal.Confrontative action against the stressor (figureht) or withdrawal from the threatening event (flight) are two general categories of behavioural responses.Such a balance exists when the deposits made by the firm are more than its withdrawals.Withdrawal from Debenture Redemption Reserve is permissible only after 10% of the debenture liability has already been reduced by the company.Withdrawal refers to physical symptoms that occur when a person stops or cuts down on the use of a psychoactive substance, i.e. a substance that has the ability to change an individual's consciousness, mood and thinking processes.

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