Father meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Father
As noun : अबू Ex:  His father is a police commissioner.
अबू Ex:  His father is a police commissioner. अब्बा Ex:  his father was a tyrant इच्छा से ग्रहण करना Ex:  He was inconsolable, when his father died. उत्पत्तिकार Ex:  My father presented me a bycycle on my birthday. किबलागाह, किबलागाही Ex:  His father is a count. किबलागाह, किबलागाही Ex:  His father is a count. क्षांतु Ex:  His drunkard father is a brute. क्षांतु Ex:  His drunkard father is a brute. Ex:  Mohans father is a chandler in Paradeep. जनक Ex:  My father was asked to adjudicate at the sports competitions in school. उ:   यहाँ पर प्रसिद्ध राजा जनक थे। जनयिता Ex:  Aurangazeb overthrew his father जनयिता Ex:  Aurangazeb overthrew his father जनिता Ex:  My father dispenced money to us on the NewYear day. जन्म देना Ex:  His father always carries twelve-bore shotgun. जन्मकृत् Ex:  she looked at her father trustingly जन्मकृत् Ex:  she looked at her father trustingly जन्मद Ex:  my father is a sessions judge in delhi. जन्मदाता Ex:  His father cautioned him from spending money lavishly. उ:   उन्हें आधुनिक नाटक का जन्मदाता भी कहा जाता है। देहकर Ex:  1993. Warren is the father of Virginia Warren देहकर Ex:  1993. Warren is the father of Virginia Warren देहकर्ता Ex:  Mirza Kalich Beg has been termed the father of modern Sindhi prose. परम पिता Ex:  However after his father died he left the university पादर Ex:  1982. Her father is José Henin पादर Ex:  1982. Her father is José Henin पादरी Ex:  Nobel laureate, and has been called the father of the Green Revolution. उ:   वहाँ के बड़े पादरी ने उन्हें लौट जाने का परामर्श दिया। पापा Ex:  Turing is often considered to be the father of modern computer science. उ:   मेरे पापा ने कहा कि तुम्हें फिल्म करनी है। पालकना Ex:  "My father insisted on accomplishment," Aubrey recalled in 1986. In college पिता होना Ex:  F. W. de Klerk's father पिता Ex:  She had long wanted to work with her father उ:   इनके पिता एक डाक्टर थे। पिताजी Ex:  He is the father of three children उ:   पिताजी ने मुझे एक बारात में काशी भेजा । पितृ Ex:  Kubrick's father taught him chess at age twelve उ:   यह अग्नि पूजा और पितृ पूजा का प्रतीक है। पितृचरण Ex:  When the father was killed in battle पितृपुरुष Ex:  Beethoven is considered the forefather of Romantic music. पितृश्राद्ध Ex:  20 years after his father पित्तर Ex:  He was not his own father पित्र Ex:  Nannerl continued: "in the fourth year of his age his father पिदर Ex:  Maradona admitted he was the father of Diego Sinagra पिदर Ex:  Maradona admitted he was the father of Diego Sinagra पूर्बज Ex:  Evert began taking tennis lessons when she was five years old from her father पूर्वज Ex:  She considered herself to be closest emotionally to her father उ:   उनके पूर्वज उत्तर प्रदेश के बरैनी गाँव के थे। प्रणेता Ex:  His father was William Jefferson Blythe, Jr. उ:   रैटज़ेल को राजनैतिक भूगोल का प्रणेता माना जाता है। फादर Ex:  In government, Elizabeth was more conservative than her father and siblings. उ:   श्रमिक संगठन पर एक उदारवादी पादरी, फादर गेपन का प्रभाव। फादर Ex:  In government, Elizabeth was more conservative than her father and siblings. उ:   श्रमिक संगठन पर एक उदारवादी पादरी, फादर गेपन का प्रभाव। बाऊ ‡ Ex:  Ryan's second baseman in his first two no-hitters had been Alomar's father बाप Ex:  His father was of Irish and Italian / Albanian heritage. उ:   बाप ने शादी के पश्चात बेटी को विदा किया। बापदादा Ex:  David's father was Jesse बापु ‡ Ex:  Barbara was almost prevented from starting college but her father intervened भक्तिसूचक उपाधि Ex:  Like his father is in Y Gododdin मूरिस Ex:  Although Sanger was greatly influenced by her father मूलक Ex:  He introduces Arthur's father उ:   दूसरे मूलक भी प्रतिस्थापित किए जा सकते हैं। वंश्य Ex:  Ögedei took the title for himself and extended it posthumously to his father . वपिल Ex:  Elie Wiesel and his father वपिल Ex:  Elie Wiesel and his father वप्प Ex:  "I shall never be satisfied," he told his father शरीरकर्ता Ex:  The shepherdesses' father Hobab शरीरकर्ता Ex:  The shepherdesses' father Hobab शरीरकृत Ex:  Healing belongs to his realm: he was the father of Asclepius शरीरप्रभव Ex:  Her father felt "If Gene is to be an actress शरीरप्रभव Ex:  Her father felt "If Gene is to be an actress सलफ Ex:  Upon the death of her father in 1493 BC ह्रीक Ex:  His father was Bahā ud-Dīn Wālad ह्रीक Ex:  His father was Bahā ud-Dīn Wālad
As verb : पिता बनना Ex:  As one example, Landnámabók tells us that Hrafnkell had a father named Hrafn
Other : जन्म Ex:  Her father died of alcoholism. उ:   कृष्ण का जन्म मथुरा के कारागार में हुआ था। तात Ex:  Bill really looks up to his father . परमपिता Ex:  Peter and Paul, where Tesla's father had held services, was renovated as well. बापू Ex:  Vuong Dang Phong, to whom his father had also given the Tiger nickname. उ:   बापू ने इस कानून को रद कराने का बहुत प्रयास किया। बाबुल Ex:  1723, his father having died some six months previously. वालिद Ex:  Consequently he is considered to be the father of algebra
Father ki paribhasha : yogashaastr ke anusaar klesha, karma, vipaak aur aashay se prathak purushavishesh oopar ki pidhiyon men utpann purush isaayi dharm ka purohit jo any isaaiyon ka jaatakarm aadi snskaar aur upaasana karaata hai kisi vyakti ke mrat baap daada paradaada aadi bachchon ki ek svaabhaavik boli ya shabd jisase ve baap ko snbodhit karate hain mithila ke ek raajavnsh ki upaadhi
Father synonyms
dad predecessor ancestor parent origin papa pop source progenitor forebearer padre begetter daddy procreator minister confessor pastor preacher parson ecclesiastic clergyman cure reverend abbã© curã© conceive spawn engender establish create originate invent procreate produce found generate trigger dream up sow the seeds of
Father antonyms
descendant result mother effect destroy ruin finish halt kill stop
Usage of Father in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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