Fennel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fennel
As noun : कलौंजी Ex:  He crushed the fennel seeds into a powder . उ:   कलौंजी दुग्ध वर्धक और मूत्र वर्धक होती है।
तालपर्णी Ex:  apple species that has the taste of fennel तृषाहा Ex:  fennel red रुद्रजटा Ex:  From fennel confit शतकुसुमा Ex:  It is called as Bacile, Perce-stone, Christe diving and sea fennel शताह्वया Ex:  Put the fennel in a sauce शताह्वा Ex:  The same pronunciation is followed in words that end in garlic, Neil, and ouil UEIL, like Job, Wake, coffin, eye, fennel शीतशिव Ex:  Wild fennel शीतशिवा Ex:  or fennel n श्वेतिका सितच्छत्रा सितच्छत्री सुगधा सेत्रोंफ सोया जाति का एक पौधा सौंफ उ:   यह दिखने में सौंफ की तरह होता है। स्कंधबंधना
Fennel ki paribhasha : ek paudha jo dakshin bhaarat aur nepaal ki taraayi men hota hai
Fennel synonyms
fiber marijuana cannabis hashish bang flax bhang jute abaca manila ambary kef kif
Usage of Fennel in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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