Figures meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Figures
As noun : अंक Ex:  Monthly sales figures of this company show a declining trend. उ:   एक, चार, तीन और नौ अंक शुभ हैं।
आंकडे़ Ex:  You should redraw the geometrical figures for accuracy. उ:   आंकडे़ प्रसार दरें बदलती रहती हैं। ऐक्ट Ex:  India also has had some very strong bowling figures चतुःषष्ठी Ex:  Key figures included David Kelley चतुष्पंचाशत् Ex:  These and other figures चतुस्त्रिंशत् Ex:  Usually when life expectancy figures are quoted चत्वारिशत् Ex:  Like many other Chinese historical figures पचोतर सो Ex:  According to the BBC's research figures संख्या Ex:  Rhonda Fleming – and with other dolls who were only faces and figures उ:   दक्षिण में भेड़ों और ऊटों की संख्या अधिक है। संख्यात Ex:  Mussolini became one of the main figures of the Axis powers and on 10 June 1940 सन्नय Ex:  According to IRB figures सप्तविंशति Ex:  According to Labour Ministry figures हिंदसा Ex:  Based on 2004 figures
Other : आँकड़े Ex:  His name figures in the list of suspects. उ:   यह आँकड़े साधारण थे।
Figures ki paribhasha : kaajal ki bindi najar se bachaane ke liye bachche ke maathe par laga dete hai vastuon ka vah parimaan jo ginakar jaana jaay
Figures synonyms
price character rate number symbol amount cost total sum digit terms cipher worth quotation integer chiffer development frame attitude silhouette constitution outline physique build proportions body pose conformation anatomy chassis shadow configuration posture substance delineation appearance cast carriage mass measurements torso image model motive embellishment emblem portrait effigy pattern sketch illustration composition decoration diagram statue representation device motif piece mold drawing ornamentation leader personality force presence dignitary celebrity notable personage worthy somebody notability guess add work out estimate count totalize tote reckon tally enumerate foot run down summate count heads count noses cut ice dope out fix a price keep tabs take account of tot up resolve conclude discover fathom see settle suppose determine think decode unravel unfold get disentangle rule comprehend untangle reason master crack decipher follow opine clear up make out unscramble catch on to make heads or tails of puzzle out think out unriddle
Figures antonyms
commoner part letter mind nobody estimate guess subtract waver unsettle ignore disbelieve tangle misunderstand question wonder begin start miss neglect overlook twist code
Usage of Figures in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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