Finish off meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Finish off
As noun : मार डालना
मुवाना ‡
Finish off synonyms
invalidate annul revoke undo abolish nullify quash renege repeal scrub void negate vacate nix retract vitiate abate reject end dissolve do in knock out torpedo wipe out decimate demolish crush quell extinguish raze eradicate murder ruin massacre erase wrack slaughter expunge wreck extirpate rub out blot out root out take out smash crash burst tear separate shatter damage split fracture crack snap sever trash divide fragment disintegrate splinter bust part batter shiver total rend bust up make hash of make mincemeat of pull to pieces remove cut break off abort kill eliminate destroy rescind trim deface repudiate ax zap efface squash countermand sink omit delete black out do away with strike out x-out cross out render invalid scratch out stamp across wash out wipe slate clean go back on one's word beat rout upset overpower overwhelm overthrow whip vanquish obstruct repulse lick subdue reduce sack surmount best outflank ambush butcher repress trample hinder halt suppress parry drown impede outmaneuver entrap overrun bar discomfit route swamp repel subjugate scatter block bear down shipwreck mow down prevail over roll back execute slay finish assassinate bump off put away put end to stamp out put an end to send to kingdom come get rid of vaporize purge silence ravage obscure waste level cover bog knock off ko blue pencil mark out rub off shoot down take apart wipe off face of earth consume devour dispose of eat up swill wolf finish up finish using put the kibosh on use up culminate cap climax close complete conclude crown settle top off bring to a close amend brush up do up enhance gloss modify patch up perfect remodel renew renovate repair retouch revamp rework tease give a face-lift make improvements put finishing touches on achieve edge gain overcome triumph conquer shut out be first be victorious carry the day come in first finish in front gain victory run circles around take the prize walk away with walk off with sunder rift
Finish off antonyms
permit validate sanction schedule set up institute legalize ratify approve enact support pass allow establish fix create construct aid assist protect preserve revive build bear help save give birth mend combine unite connect fasten put together obey stabilize cause hide wait lose join attach secure agree strengthen keep quiet secret stay uphold restore continue begin start add arrange imbalance tip surrender attract release grow increase facilitate float liberate abet yield fail clear promote win let go advance encourage forward push free open give up inspirit hold back prohibit retain initiate invest leave alone hoard damage harm break hurt forfeit miss repair
Usage of Finish off in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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