Fleeting meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fleeting
As noun : इदंतन
क्षणस्थायी क्षणिक उ:   द्वितीय जोड़ी बहुत ही छोटी और क्षणिक होती है।
As adjective : अधृति Ex:  For a fleeting moment, I thought that I have recognised the thief. अभिलुलित Ex:  A fleeting memory अस्थिर Ex:  It is often used figuratively, especially if told of a bright, fleeting emotion in souls, in minds आचंचल Ex:  Success, fleeting happiness आनोजानी Ex:  The human greatness are only fleeting ghosts उल्लल चलचलिय चलचाल डँवाडोल डाँवाडोल तारल दावाँदोल बिचल बिस्थीरु विसंष्ठुल शीघ्र व्यतीत होनेवाला
Fleeting synonyms
short-lived ephemeral transitory sudden cursory fading momentary vanishing passing flying flitting evanescent flash in the pan fugitive impermanent meteoric temporary volatile fugacious
Fleeting antonyms
enduring lasting long-lived permanent perpetual continual endless lengthy constant
Usage of Fleeting in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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