Fleshy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fleshy
As adjective : गुदकार, गुदकारा Ex:  He likes girls with fleshy bodies.
गूदेदार Ex:  Anatomy Small fleshy body, round and elongated, which, in women, is placed at the entrance of the vulva उ:   यह सफेद, गूदेदार होता है तथा इसमें कोई छल्ला नहीं हों ता है। गोश्तदार Ex:  Anatomy Small fleshy growth मांसल Ex:  Each of the two fleshy parts which form the behind the man and some animals quadrupeds उ:   इसमें आठ लंबी-लंबी मांसल बाहुएँ होती हैं। मासंल Ex:  fleshy Fruit मुष्क Ex:  fleshy Olives मोटा ताजा Ex:  fleshy olives
Other : गुदकार Ex:  Their tracheal extension sticks out like a fleshy straw गुदकारा Ex:  The toes have a fleshy webbing at their base गुदगुदा Ex:  A fleshy mass भरा Ex:  Botanical Fruit fleshy succulent, single core, such as plums, cherries, peaches उ:   इसमें गोमती का पानी भरा रहता है।
Fleshy ki paribhasha : vah padaarth jisaka saadhaaranataya indriyon dvaara grahan ho sake kaavy men gaudi riti ka ek gun
Fleshy synonyms
corpulent pudgy stout beefy meaty plump ample brawny chubby chunky fat gross heavy hefty husky obese porcine portly tubby weighty adipose pulpy sarcous well-padded zaftig
Fleshy antonyms
skinny underweight slight thin weak
Usage of Fleshy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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