Fly by night meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fly by night
As noun : अविश्वसनीय उ:   लेकिन मैंने अविश्वसनीय कप्तान से पिछले सात साल बहुत कुछ सीखा है।
इतिकथ बतछुट
Fly by night synonyms
ephemeral passing temporary brief cowboy disreputable evanescent fleeting impermanent momentary questionable shady slimy unprofessional here-today-gone-tomorrow not to be relied upon not to be trusted trustless temporal fugacious skeptical unclear uncertain equivocal hesitant improbable problematic suspicious arguable fishy reluctant debatable chancy diffident disputable far-fetched iffy indecisive moot open perplexed suspect undecided unlikely wavering dubitable mootable unconvinced touch and go unassured untrusty deserter refugee outcast escapee exile recluse outlaw stray waif derelict truant runaway hermit ã©migrã© displaced person runagate evacuee walkout dodger bolter escaper hunted person spontaneous impromptu makeshift ad-lib extemporaneous extempore hit-or-miss offhand unprepared unrehearsed unstudied spur-of-the-moment extemporized band-aid autoschediastic improviso illusory flimsy unreal fanciful tenuous puny unsubstantial aerial airy chimerical decrepit feeble fragile frail idle immaterial incorporeal infirm intangible metaphysical petty poor slender slight thin unsound imponderable false too little too late capricious immature thoughtless immoral carefree devil-may-care feckless fickle flighty giddy harebrained incautious lax loose rash scatterbrained shiftless unaccountable unpredictable unstable wild ill-considered no-account unanswerable uncareful tricky wily sneaky shrewd cagey crafty collusive crooked cunning devious dishonest duplicitous elusive evasive foxy fraudulent furtive insidious lying mendacious roguish scheming slick sly underhand unprincipled untruthful conniving contriving dodging equivocating prevaricative prevaricatory shuffling unhonest short-term quick deciduous gone in a heartbeat of short duration over in a heartbeat short-haul short-run unsafe smooth changeable inconstant insecure mutable two-faced unsteady variable slithery bedraggled disheveled faulty haphazard imperfect inaccurate inexact messy neglected negligent raunchy scruffy shabby shoddy slapdash sloppy slovenly tacky tattered threadbare unkempt untidy scrubby unsystematic botched fouled-up junky messed-up screwed-up unmeticulous unthorough flash flitting flying moving provisional volatile transmigratory emigrating going by vacating catchy deceitful deceptive double-dealing faithless misleading perfidious recreant snake in the grass traitorous two-timing unfaithful untrue false-hearted treasonable betraying double-crossing unloyal bum careless erratic inconsistent indefinite indeterminate no-good no bargain unscrupulous illegal unfair improper wrong corrupt cheating dirty dishonorable fake flimflam mercenary scam sharp dirty-dealing delusive erroneous fallible hollow implausible meretricious mistaken pretended pseudo sham specious unconvincing underhanded vacillating weak hallucinatory shaky mistrustful distrustful borderline irresolute lacking wobbly betwixt and between fluctuant in a quandary rootless unconfident up for grabs wimpy disloyal fink guileful fair-weather rambling itinerant down-and-out mendicant unsettled peripatetic wayfaring roaming roving wandering prodigal aimless destitute errant fancy-free footloose nomadic wayward strolling journeying travelling drifting itinerate straggling shifting sauntering perambulant perambulatory
Fly by night antonyms
enduring lasting permanent dependable reliable reputable trustworthy long responsible long-lived perpetual lengthy undoubted unquestionable determined believable likely probable aboveboard honest trusty unambiguous certain definite sure clear secure doubtless positive undoubtful indubious unobscure planned designed rehearsed premediated real genuine strong substantial thick serious accountable careful frank naive forthright ethereal harmless stable coarse rough dry unslippery neat polished refined well-done incessant long-lasting persistent undying neverending loyal true untreacherous ethical moral principled appropriate suitable good correct decent uncorrupt upright truthful accurate constant faithful steady unwavering believing open settled unmoving fixed inhabiting
Usage of Fly by night in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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