For the birds meaning in hindi

How to pronounce For the birds
As noun : अंतर्गडु Ex:  Winter weather is for the birds .
अकर्मान्वित अतप क्षीणवृत्ति खानानशी खारच गैताल निरथु निरूद्यमी निरूद्योग निरूद्योगी फोकरा बेकाज बेकार उ:   जो चार साल और छह महीने के अपने जीवन काल के बाद बेकार हो गया है। बेफजूल बेमसरफ मिरथा रददी राशिवर्धन श्वेतकाकीय हेचपोच
For the birds ki paribhasha : jisake paas karane ke liye koi kaam na ho
For the birds synonyms
incredible unreasonable dubious farfetched improbable flimsy impossible inconceivable unconvincing doubtful far out fishy obscure problematic puzzling suspect thin too much unsubstantial weak full of holes reachy won't hold water won't wash unimaginable preposterous astonishing outlandish unthinkable cockeyed far-fetched flaky harebrained kooky phony questionable reaching scatterbrained screwy staggering thick beyond belief cockamamie incogitable lamebrained open to doubt past belief distressing unsuitable regrettable unacceptable disappointing deficient mediocre amiss bad damaged disquieting disturbing offensive poor rotten second undesirable unwelcome unworthy wrong displeasing schlocky upsetting disconcerting junky no good not good enough not up to par vexing shaky
For the birds antonyms
believable credible plausible possible tenable likely convincing realistic reasonable possibly probably imaginable conceivable suitable satisfactory acceptable adequate ok sufficient
Usage of For the birds in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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