For the time being meaning in hindi

How to pronounce For the time being
As adjective : तत्समय
Other : फिलहाल उ:   फिलहाल आईसीसी पर भारत का दबदबा है । हाल में
For the time being synonyms
amid as midst over pending throughout until when all along all the while at the same time as at the time in the course of in the interim in the meanwhile in the middle of in the time of the time between the whole time till simultaneously ad interim concurrently during the interval for now for the duration for the moment for then in the interval in the intervening time up to coeval prompt being modern contemporary started begun instant ad hoc already extant immediate topical up-to-date contemporaneous existent commenced nowadays today at this moment even now going on in duration in process just now under consideration limited short-lived brief makeshift transitory provisional momentary supply perishable alternate ephemeral fugitive summary acting transient mortal impermanent volatile passing stopgap substitute changeable evanescent fleeting pro tempore slapdash unstable fugacious provisory shifting make-do band-aid overnight unfixed sometimes temporarily existing new tactical
For the time being antonyms
old-fashioned former future far late absent past previous away distant enduring lasting long-lived permanent unabridged lengthy
Usage of For the time being in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb, preposition in english grammar. The word can be used as, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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