Fox meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fox
As noun : कपटी व्यक्ति Ex:  sly as a fox
चालाक औरत Ex:  The fox went into the covert. चालाक मनुष्यअ Ex:  The twentieth century fox is one to the two producers of Titanic. धब्बे डलकर गंदा करना Ex:  Also in this region are the fox धूर्त व्यक्ति Ex:  Bertilak returns with a fox धोखा देना Ex:  The fox uses tactics so unlike the first two animals मोहना Ex:  There are six subspecies of the fox लोमड़ी का चर्म Ex:  A dominant fox uses vocalizations लोम्ड़ी का बच्चा Ex:  Dogs for the fox लोम्ड़ी Ex:  Female fox लोमड़ी Ex:  He found in the woods a fox caught in traquet शिशुपत्र,त्रक Ex:  Renard coal, fox Variety सकैतव Ex:  She wears a beautiful silver fox समझने में नहीं आना Ex:  Tanière fox
As verb : पशोपेश में डालना Ex:  It is the smallest fox species in the United States.
Other : लोमडी Ex:  Those little fox terriers have no sense.
Fox synonyms
babe angel broad honey chick bathing beauty beauty queen cover girl sex kitten tomato centerfold peach pin-up cupcake bunny cutie cutie-pie dollface dream girl dreamboat glamor girl good-looking woman hot dish hot number raving beauty sex bunny sex pot sexpot glamour girl cheat pretend dupe deceive hoodwink delude trifle flimflam scam diddle gull snow hoax outfox bluff spoof con bamboozle kid make believe put on take in play-act chicane juke jive fake out lead on play a trick on put one over on suck in baffle beat bewilder cap circumvent confuse defeat defraud finagle have mislead outdo outmaneuver overreach swindle worst end-run goose lead astray make a fool of make a monkey of outgeneral outguess outjockey pull a fast one on run circles around exceed total eclipse outstrip transcend excel best better outshine overrun clobber bash shut out be first blow away go beyond mutt cur wolf chow hound pooch pup dingo hyena coyote lobo gyp end run figure out jip insect fly rat snake weasel rodent ant mosquito flea termite lice foxes bedbug mice centipede
Fox antonyms
be honest surrender replace fall behind fail lose descend drop lower add enlighten explain aid assist guard protect abet clear up help support encourage give
Usage of Fox in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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