Fragile meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fragile
As noun : अरूक्ष Ex:  Due to the fragile nature of the items in the collection
आरामतलब Ex:  Klinefelter's syndrome, XYY syndrome and fragile X syndrome. कमज़ोर Ex:  In common with many fragile island ecosysytems उ:   उनकी कमज़ोर हिन्दी को भी मुद्दा बनाया गया। सुकुमार उ:   इस ग्रंथ में सुकुमार भावों का अत्यंत ललित चित्रण है।
As adjective : अमांश Ex:  a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty असकत Ex:  These features are fragile and break down soon after they are formed. करषेव Ex:  "is an unusually fragile molecule". किरिसित Ex:  The complex and fragile web of relations between the US खंखड़ Ex:  Mali’s economic performance is fragile छछीन Ex:  Diamond is therefore more fragile in some orientations than others. छिलर Ex:  Subsequent heavy snow may form a fragile snow bridge झाँकरी Ex:  Churchill's health was fragile झिंझि Ex:  When the leaves dried they became fragile and would not have survived for long. दुर्बल Ex:  Sukarno's fragile balance of power between the military उ:   वह हमें दुर्बल ही बनाएगा। नाज़ुक Ex:  The ectomorphs are thin, long and fragile in body build . निजार Ex:  A fragile vase निर्क्रृत Ex:  It also says a glass cabinet, a glass table, in which exposes valuable or fragile items फुसफुसहा Ex:  Metal Chemistry bluish-white, very bright, lamellar and fragile बलवर्जित Ex:  Put fragile or valuable object under a globe to keep बेताब Ex:  The flesh is fragile उ:   नाटकों के अतिरिक्त बेताब ने चलचित्रों में भी योग दिया है। भंगुर Ex:  The fragile nature उ:   ऐंटीमनी भंगुर होता है और सीसा मुलायम। भुरभुरा Ex:  The fragile porcelain भ‌ंगुर Ex:  The nature is fragile मंदवीर्य विदस्त विस्रस्त शीघ्र टूटने वाला श्लथ सहज मे टूट जाने वाला सहज में टूट जाने वाला सुखभेद्य स्वल्पबल
Other : कमजोर Ex:  The economy of West Virginia is one of the most fragile of any U.S. state. उ:   समाज के कमजोर एवं सुपात्र लोगों को दान करना चाहिए। चुरमुरा Ex:  The TSP is directed at protecting the fragile ecology of the valley निर्बल Ex:  It has a fragile health that requires much bluntly उ:   किन्तु इसका लक्ष्य शत्रु को कालान्तर निर्बल बनाना है। फुसफुसा Ex:  Place closed, which is preserved during the winter, orange crate and other fragile plants
Fragile ki paribhasha : uttari bhaarat men honevaali ek prakaar ki barasaati ghaas jise gauean, bail aur ghode bahut pasnd karate hain jisamen kisi prakaar ki kathorata ya khinchaav aadi na ho sngit men svar ka ek bhed
Fragile synonyms
weak delicate feeble frail brittle crisp crumbly decrepit fine flimsy friable infirm insubstantial slight unsound frangible shivery weakly fracturable shatterable
Fragile antonyms
healthy durable unbreakable firm strong tough
Usage of Fragile in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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