Freely meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Freely
As noun : आजादाना Ex:  She freely admits that she has made many mistakes earliar.
सुतंञ Ex:  “This group can speak freely and boldly स्वतंत्रतापूर्वक Ex:  By extension, it is colloquially known as Someone with whom we usually live, to whom one speaks freely उ:   प्रत्येक खिलाड़ी स्वतंत्रतापूर्वक डीलर के खिलाफ अपनी चाल चलता है।
As adverb : अबाधरुप से Ex:  As the fish was given freely John wanted to grab them hand over-fist इच्छा से Ex:  Nowadays drugs are freely available in every corner of the city. किसी के दवाब के बिना Ex:  Shakespeare shows his dramatic skill freely in Romeo and Juliet बिना रोक टोक के Ex:  The members of the legislature were freely elected by the Puerto Rican people. बिना रोक टोक Ex:  To a Zhuangzi hermit, being unknown and drifting freely is a state of mind. मुक्त बातचीत Ex:  Leibniz also freely invoked mathematical entities he called infinitesimals मुक्त भाव से Ex:  The complete work of Pasteur can be freely downloaded on site of BNF मुक्त रुप से Ex:  Their forces roamed freely स्वतंत्रता से Ex:  Arévalo's freely elected Guatemalan successor स्वतन्त्रत रुप से Ex:  By extension, it means Who behaves too freely toward someone
Other : उदारता से Ex:  Just as atheistic existentialists can freely choose not to believe in God खुशी से Ex:  Dogs interbreed freely निर्विघ्न Ex:  "Mythological representations have been neither invented nor freely accepted.
Freely synonyms
candidly willingly voluntarily openly advisedly deliberately designedly fancy-free frankly intentionally plainly purposely spontaneously as you please at will unchallenged unreservedly without hindrance without prompting without reserve without restraint without urging at one's discretion at one's pleasure of one's own accord of one's own free will readily abundantly amply cleanly lavishly lightly well liberally effortlessly as one pleases bountifully copiously extravagantly facilely like water loosely open-handedly unhindered unobstructedly unstintingly with a free hand without encumbrance without stint
Freely antonyms
bound limited difficultly
Usage of Freely in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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