Frightened meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Frightened
As noun : अतंका Ex:  a huddle of frightened women
आतंकित Ex:  The zip of the jet frightened the child. उ:   बंदुकवाला ने सभी ग्रामीणों को आतंकित कर रखा है। भयविप्लुत, भयविह्वल Ex:  Just think about it it is frightened
As verb : अतंका Ex:  a huddle of frightened women आगतसाध्वस Ex:  He told us stories of apparitions and frightened us. कांदिशीक Ex:  She was so frightened that she just crumpled up . डरानी Ex:  Sam walked into Liz and frightened her . भयग्रस्त Ex:  It came to us quite frightened उ:   इससे मानव भयग्रस्त होकर जेल के सीखचों में बन्द सा हो जाता है। भयभीत Ex:  It frightened him suites would have its action उ:   इससे वह भयभीत और इसके कारम अत्याचारी बनता गया। भयविप्लुत, भयविह्वल Ex:  Just think about it it is frightened भयातुर Ex:  You have me frightened by this news भौमूती ‡ वहशतजदा विभीषा व्यथान्वत संचकित संत्रासन सकोतर सभीति ससाध्वस साध्वसविप्लुत साशंक हौलजदा ह्रीकु ह्लीकु
As adjective : शंकित
Other : चकित Ex:  Something frightened away the prowlers . उ:   सभी लोग चकित थे कि पंडितजी कानून की पकड़ में कैसे आ गए। त्रसित Ex:  "Don't be frightened Mr. त्रस्त Ex:  You can imagine how I blushed and how frightened I was . उ:   वे सरकार से त्रस्त लोगों की पीड़ा को अपनी पत्रिका में स्वर देती थीं। संत्रस्त
Frightened ki paribhasha : bhateur ya chorak naam ka gndhadravy
Frightened synonyms
afraid fearful anxious startled panicky petrified abashed frozen yellow numb terrified alarmed aghast chicken hung up jittery jumpy lily-livered mousy shaky sissy uptight shivery unnerved spooked terrorized affrighted butterflies dismayed cowed chicken-hearted have cold feet having kittens in a cold sweat in a panic in a sweat jellyfish pushing the panic button rabbity running scared scared stiff terror-stricken
Frightened antonyms
brave courageous unafraid bold cool happy calm comforted
Usage of Frightened in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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