Fruitless meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fruitless
As adjective : अँबिरथा Ex:  His trip was once again fruitless
अंतर्गडु Ex:  In 202 BC, Hannibal met Scipio in a fruitless peace conference. अमिथ्या Ex:  fruitless Care अवश्थ Ex:  fruitless job उआवाई Ex:  fruitless searches ऊवाबाई Ex:  fruitless Terroir कुड़ुक Ex:  His sentence was not useless, was not fruitless खारच झुरै झूठमूठ तुच्छय नाचार निरूपयोग फलहीन बादहवाई बेकाज बेफजूल बेफायदा विभ्रष्ट व्यर्थ उ:   इस प्रकार होमरूल आन्दोलन व्यर्थ नहीं गया। शुष्ककलह शून्यमय श्वेतकाकीय हकनाक हकनाहक हर्जा हेचपोच
Other : अफल Ex:  All research remained fruitless अलबिलल Ex:  fruitless Field निरर्थक विफल उ:   " कैसे कनाडा पूरी तरह से विफल रहा है। वृथा
Fruitless ki paribhasha : bhumi jisamen tran ya paudha na utpann ho jo kisi kaary ka na ho jisaka koi arth ya prayojan na ho
Fruitless synonyms
unproductive abortive ineffectual ineffective useless unsuccessful pointless futile barren empty idle infertile sterile unavailable unavailing unfruitful unprofitable vain gainless in vain profitless to no avail to no effect unprolific wild goose chase spinning one's wheels
Fruitless antonyms
effectual fruitful productive profitable copious plentiful potent successful useful effective
Usage of Fruitless in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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