Furrow meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Furrow
As noun : खाँचा खींचना Ex:  A light furrow
खाँचा Ex:  Architecture furrow dug in wood, stone or metal edge parallel to a गुझरोटपु Ex:  Make a furrow गोलोवा Ex:  Maréchalerie of Instrument, which marshals use to cut the nail horse furrow चर्मतरंग Ex:  The ship left behind a wide furrow छबडी़ Ex:  The ship left behind a wide furrow झउआ Ex:  , Showing furrow trace its furrow Make the work that is required to do, that has established the obligation to make every day झुर्री Ex:  The furrow wheels त्वकतरंगक Ex:  The furrow wheels बट्ट ‡ शिकन डालना शिकन शुषि सरोँट हल की लकीर हल से खेत में बनी लकीरें
Other : क्रूड सीता Ex:  When sown after turnips it is generally taken with one furrow खतिका Ex:  A light furrow रेखा उ:   पृथ्वी भूमध्य रेखा पर थोड़ी से उभरी हुई है। हल चलाना हल―चल
Furrow ki paribhasha : patali tahani aadi ka bana bad tokara
Usage of Furrow in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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