Furthest meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Furthest
As adjective : दूरतम Ex:  As one of the furthest outposts of these cultures
As adverb :
अग्रवान् Ex:  went the furthest of all the children in her education सबसे आगे का Ex:  The Port of Lewiston is the furthest inland Pacific port on the west coast. सबसे आगे Ex:  Astronomy point of the orbit of a planet in which the planet is closest or furthest from the sun; Point of the orbit of a satellite in which the satellite is closest or furthest from the planet सबसे दूर Ex:  Here are two tables, do you prefer this or this? When we appointed two people or two things and then we use the pronouns This and That one, This refers to the nearest term, and That one at the end furthest from
Furthest synonyms
farthest extreme outermost ultimate uttermost outmost most remote remotest
Furthest antonyms
closest nearest
Usage of Furthest in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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