Gain time meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gain time
As noun : अतिरिक्त समय प्राप्त करना
टालना डोली करना
Gain time ki paribhasha : apane sthaan se alag karana
Gain time synonyms
obstruct defer restrict suspend bar detain shelve prevent withhold stay prolong stall impede put off adjourn postpone hamper block keep clog temporize tarry dilly-dally dawdle curb table protract check inhibit repress procrastinate arrest confine filibuster lag discourage deter drag interfere retard slacken linger choke encumber loiter stave off remand intermit prorogue bide time hold over keep back lay over
Gain time antonyms
aid assist expedite release permit carry out further unblock complete hurry liberate hasten speed help promote support advance forward free let go continue open allow do encourage abandon finish push rush leave dispatch
Usage of Gain time in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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