Gauzy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gauzy
As adjective : कपिस Ex:  She got gauzy curtains.
जालीदार Ex:  gauzy fabric, fabric thin, light, transparent उ:   इन जालीदार पांवों से उन्हें तैरने में आसानी रहती है। रेशमी उ:   लवार्कशिर में रेशमी कपड़े तैयार होते हैं। रेसमी
Gauzy synonyms
translucent delicate diaphanous filmy flimsy insubstantial light lucid pellucid sheer thin transparent tiffany
Gauzy antonyms
cloudy foggy obscured heavy opaque thick
Usage of Gauzy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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